Your Fat Councillor has it on extraordinarily good authority that none other than the Mayor himself has this blog bookmarked.
That's right councillor John Anglin is a fan. Well, John, we all all fans of you too, well, obviously not Councillor Iain Malcolm he can’t wait to get rid of you. I remember the time Chris told him to fuck off when he wanted a dance.
Yes, Councillor Potts wanted me to blow him too
Mr Mayor, now that I know you are an avid fan, I will try to swear a little fucking less...
Your Fat Councillor has spies everywhere, as I am about to demonstrate.
Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here
8 April 2010 at 16:28
Ha, ha, you silly imbecile of a man. you haven't hidden your IP address very well, have you? Expect a writ (on Tuesday)and full publication of its details (and the particulars of your libel - all of which have been captured meticulously by my solicitors forensic audit team, so feel free to delete away)in the Shields Gazette on Wednesday. You may as well resign tomorrow, you may be able to retain some dignity...well until Wednesday....just like someone else who resigned before he was sacked....oh, bugger...he resigned after he was sacked, didn't he?
If you'd like to issue a counter writ, feel free.
Love you x
8 April 2010 at 16:58
Bring it on, I can't wait.
PS - Love you too x
8 April 2010 at 17:18
Bonjour, ma petite saucisse, funny (but admirable) that you take such a cavalier stance .... IP address available to view at 13:32:06....did your masking app have a long lunchbreak?
Love you more, you lovely man xx
btw, my IP's been open for two hours... in interests of transparency and all that.... so off you go....
8 April 2010 at 17:41
Always happy to help.
btw, thx for the tip off but Ive had your real IP for a couple of weeks now. The problem is pinning down to you but who cares about getting a court order, we both know who you are.
Love you lots, xxxx
8 April 2010 at 17:47
You rather miss the point....i'm yet to slander or libel you, or anyone else for that matter.... you, however....
Sweet dreams
8 April 2010 at 18:00
You rather miss the point too....
Sweet dreams
8 April 2010 at 18:05
Oh cherub,
You say the sweetest of things. Points and I rarely see eye to eye.... other than the bleedingly obvious ones, naturally.
forever yours
9 April 2010 at 18:40
Ha, ha...you blinkered fool... you clearly think that I'm someone I'm not.... now think about who you may have expressed libellous comments about.
Every dog has his day....the IP track gives it all away.....
Just for the record, i am neither david potts, nor the "fat councillor", whomsoever he may be...just another victim of your published libel, but one who has no need to avoid making his identity public in a libel suit against you, you mug.
My IP remains open to all who may see.. shall we speak abou this, before I instruct my ravenous pack of Covent Garden solicitors to tear you a new one?
BTW, darling, your response or otherwise will be printed in all of the brochures that i will have circulated in your ward, to announce your libel,on the day prior to it's publication in the Gazette.
Just remember.. silence is better than a denial....but silence counts for nought in court.
love ya, sweet cheeks