Videos And Today's Agenda

Good afternoon dear reader

You find me on an overcast afternonn sat in my backyard overlooking Cleadon Hills doing a little tidying. Yes, the great councillor refrains from having a cleaner (other than the one who comes in on Mondays and Thursdays, and the lady who irons your Fat Councillor's Y-fronts. Oh, and the man who blows up my paddling pool, do I really need this chap when I'm full of hot air, well I do actually).

One of the more stupid (and I use that word kindly) of our congregation has had some difficulty in finding a video, so your Fat Councillor has helpfully put them all on a single page. I'll give you details soon... be patient my lovelys.

Yesterday evening, your Fat Councillor helpfully received the real history of the Jarrow Conservative party. I will be checking a few facts out now with my spies before comparing it to the crap they put out in those leaflets.

There will also be a piece about why the local Conservatives seems to be a magnet for failed politicians.

Pip pip

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

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