Darlings, the very angry Mr Cromwell has a task for you. I promise you, it is worth while. After all, it is your money they are using.
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Strangely this also answers another question that Curly keeps being asked, namely is the Fat Councillor really Curly? Anyone with a passing knowledge of Curly will know that he uses the deeply regressive, ugly and vile Windows OS, whereas your Fat Councillor uses the deeply beautiful Apple OS X Snow Leopard OS, found only on Macs. Keynote is an OS X only application. QED.
There is also another way to tell us apart...
Fat Councillor
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Here are the leaked documents relating to complaints made against councillors covering the period May 2008 to December 2009. It looks like it has also been leaked to Curly or was it Curly that sent it to me, I cant remember.
I will leave you to digest the document before I start tearing a couple of new arse holes for Messers Potts and Millburn.
NB: These documents contained an identifying feature that could be traced back to the source. It has therefore been removed. Well, you wouldn't want Potts lowering the value of your house by turning up on your doorstep, would you?
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Something to keep your anger boiling...
Your Fat Councillor will release the underly data shortly, but I need to make the one thing very clear. These figures do not represent the number of genuine complaints made against councillors for the May 2008 to December 2009 timeframe. For instance, 90% of the complaints made against councillor Elsom were made by the Conservatives. Would that be the same councillor Elsom that fell out with Potts the pussy cat lover? See what I am getting at here? Similarly, 40% of the complaints made against councillor Potts came from council officers. Councillors are pissing our money away making complaints against each other in order to damage them.
And then there are councillors McCabe and Millburn. They deserve a separate post, all of their own.
Watch this space...
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Dear Readers
Your Fat Councillor's inbox is almost melting with further tales of intrigue within the South Shields and Jarrow Conservatives.
More details to come, but word has it that the buck teethed Milburn is planning to install another family member as a candidate in the Cleadon and East Boldon ward. Has this goffa got no fucking shame?
Of course, your Fat Councillor is cock-a-hoop that the 'motor man’ continues to buy the Jarrow Conservatives. How long before we see it as a wholly owned subsidiary of Shiny Cars R Us Ltd?
Hello, I own the Indy Alliance
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Dear readers
I was out and about this morning in Jarrow, so this afternoon I ran through the figures in the leaked Standards Committee document, and pulled out a couple of headlines for your visual pleasure. The documents themselves will be published later today. As the image below demonstrates, it makes grim reading for the South Tyneside Tories, and particularly councillors Potts and Millburn.
There is some other pretty startling stuff to come out, but it is a little more complex to explain. So, be patient, everything comes to those who wait.
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Your Fat Councillor is jubillant! My inbox has just become the proud recipient of a document that sets out the extent of the Tories, and in particular councillor Potts troubles with the Standards Board of England.
Even after a quick scan, it is clear that the party is massively disproportionately represented in relation to the number of councillors in the party. You will not be surprised to learn that the black eyed blunder has far and away the most complaints registered against him.
There are lots of other nuggests in there, but it will take time to analyse the detail.
The headline figures will be revealed in the morning.
Have a great evening.
- Posted by Duchess Potts
... manages to find time for an interview with the Cheeky Girls about their exploits of all things, but is somehow too busy to answer the questions put to him
Nice to know where your priorities lie, Jeff...
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... manages to find the time to browse this website today, but is somehow too busy to answer the questions that were put to her.
It looks to your Fat Councillor that Millburn has no intention of answering those questions. I cannot imagine a justifiable reason for this, other than truthful answers being deeply damaging to the South Shields and Jarrow Conservatives.
This morning, I emailed councillor Millburn again to try to get an indication as to whether he intends to provide a response. I think his silence is quite telling.
Just what is it about those questions that make it impossible for councillor Millburn or his son, Junior to provide answers?
You can draw your own conclusions, but you can be assured that your Fat Councillor rarely asks questions without already knowing the answer. Millburn Jnr and the Conservative councillor that abused their position in order to get a council house for a member of their family are subjects that will be returned to again, quite soon.
When the shit hits the fan, sure as eggs is eggs, the Conservative leadership will tell everyone who will listen that they knew nothing about this until after the event. Your Fat Councillor will demonstrate that they are lying....
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... well, how else could you explain this?Your Fat Councillor was astonished to see a tweet from the local Conservative leaders Twitter feed this morning. How so? Well, The local Conservative Party is now promoting a website named after moi the Fat Councillor. Except... it is not the Fat Councillor’s website at all. Who does it belong to you ask? Step forward none other than councillor David (hic, just one more gin) Potts, leader of the local Conservatives. He of the attack on a member of the public, and various previous online attacks on councillor Khan.
Previously, the Conservatives have turned a blind eye to Potts side projects, until that is, they become a liability, when the adults step in and tell him to grow the fuck up. But this time is different. And it is different because the local Conservatives are now openly supporting and promoting the David Potts website. What was going through councillor Jeff Millburn’s tiny mind when he authorised this venture?
No matter how mad you might think the Conservatives are with their policies of we’ll do anything as long as someone pays us and refusal to engage with the people, this latest escapade shows that they have finally lost it. The lunatic has taken over the asylum, to the extent that Potts sets up yet another attack blog, filled it with copy from this blog (but not the posts that are too difficult for him to change), promotes it via the David Potts101 twitter account, and then promotes the Paul Pinfield by re-Tweeting his tweets on his own personal Twitter account.
Give me strength. I hope you are are all taking note of the the Conservatives behaviour, and vote accordingly come election day.
Update: Predictably, Paul Pinfield is now attempting to stop you viewing his tweets. Too late the Fat Councillor has done for you.
If you are a councillor, or indeed anyone other than a Conservative drone, why not let your friends family, and even the milkman know what the local South Shields and Jarrow Conservatives are up to? You will? Your Fat Councillor thanks you profusely.
Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here
John Mann is the unwelcome fart in the lift. A wanker who will not do the decent thing and just fuck off.
The ever critical Mannisms blog has details of Mann's repeated bullying and threats against a pensioner.
Your Fat Councillor can't help feeling that it's not just Potts and the vile Paul Pinfield who share the same corrupted DNA. I am coming to the conclusion that 90% of politicians, both local and national are self serving wankers, only interested in reading about themselves in the press. As your Fat Councillor mentioned yesterday,
they are like budgies before a mirror, only interested in their own reflection.
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The best shop by far
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... to answer questions from the electorate, and yet they do have time to repeatedly visit this blog. The same IP addresses pinging back here again and again. Like budgies in front of a mirror, they are only interested in their own reflection, and would rather shoot the messenger than deal with their problems.
Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here
Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here
... answers to the questions posed to Millburn Jnr and his father, councillor Jeff Millburn has been met with stony silence. Now, I wonder why that could be? It really comes to something when a member of the public has to barter with the leader of a political party in order to glean the most basic information.
So much for councillor Millburn’s previous claims that "we are the only party to talk directly to people in an open and transparent way." It would appear that this does not stretch to answering simple questions.
Instead the local Conservatives allow councillor David Potts to again set up Twitter accounts and blogs to attack another councillor in the hope that it will deter your Fat Councillor. It will not, and indeed why should it? I am not councillor Khan, and neither am I the person whom Potts seems to believe I am. In fact, I am much closer to home, councillor. I live in the Cleadon & East Boldon ward. I have seen the Jarrow Conservatives in the flesh. Some of you are decent people, but self evidently, some of you are not.
1. Could it be that councillor Millburn was not expecting me to offer my details and has been caught short?
2. Could it be that if he agreed, some of the answers would be difficult for him to justify?
3. Could it be that if he dealt with the membership disciplinary rules, he would end up having to expel one of his own councillors?
Question number three is critical. Your Fat Councillor has alluded to this previously, but I can reveal that I have evidence of a local Conservative councillor using their influence to abuse the council waiting list scheme in order to secure a property for a family member to the detriment of others. This evidence will be published. You had better get your sacking hat on, councillor Millburn. It looks like my visit to the town hall was very worthwhile…
Your Fat Councillor has set out the questions above as a handy aid memoir to both my dear readers, and councillors Millburn, Potts & Co.
Try copying and pasting this post, David...
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Next time councillor Potts, try actually sending the email instead of typing it up in a word processing document... Still, if you have time to do this, at least you are not roaming the streets bothering your long suffering electorate...
Is this really what a local councillor should be doing?
Is this why you elected him?
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