All Can Now Be Revealed

Dear Readers

Your Fat Councillor has a tale to tell...

Anyone with an interest in South Tyneside politics will know that councillor David Potts is the main mover behind Paul Pinfield’s attack blog which has been set up to attack councillor Khan and the Independent Alliance.

Now here's the thing... When I mention Potts other attack dog Graham Rigg the man behind Curlys Corner Shop the blog receives repeated visits from a firm of lawyers.

A couple of Skype calls revealed that lawyers are pursuing a libel case against Mr Potts, Mr Pinfield and Mr Rigg in relation to their blog activities.

Your Fat Councillor was asked by interested parties whether I would be willing to help. With that in mind, I came back to the UK to see what could be done. I had to come back for another meeting anyway, so it was no real hardship. A meeting was arranged for Friday afternoon at which we sketched out a way forward.

Whilst back in the UK, news broke that councillor Potts had been kicked out by his mammy who is fuming at the prospect of losing her little boy to another woman. Some of us thought that this might be on the cards for a while and that could be very bad news indeed for Mr Potts.

So, very shortly, a call will go out for information. It is going to be quite profitable for someone, but we are looking for one person in particular.

Contact your Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

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