It Never Rains, But It Pisses On Poor Pinfield (Again)

Devastating information received overnight. Details to follow.

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

BREAKING +++ Paul Pinfield Questioned For Sexual Assault on Pool Boy

Dear Readers

Paul Pinfield your Fat Councillor's number one fan and imposter was in a spot of bother with the Spanish Authorities today after a pool maintenance boy claimed to have been sexually assaulted by Mr Pinfield.

The distressed unnamed 16 year old reported the the incident to his manager who immediately called the police. Mr Pinfield was arrested shortly after 10am local time and was taken to Adeje Police station where he was questioned for several hours before being released on bail.

An unnamed police source has confirmed that Paul Pinfield is the subject of a number of ongoing inquires and has been under surveillance for several months...more to follow.

Why Hasn't Your Fat Councillor Been Sued? - Caution Strong Language

Dear Readers

It is a question that you might very well ask. Your Fat Councillor has said, in no particularly order that:

1. Paul Pinfield is a failed podcaster after Calmcast flopped
2. Paul Pinfield was kicked out of Pinnacle Media after he was caught with his hand in the till
3. Paul Pinfield is a known abuser of rent boys
4. Paul Pinfield is a prosy shagger
5. Paul Pinfield is on the run from UK authorities
6. Paul Pinfield is wanted by Albanian gangsters for refusing to pay a rent boy
7. Paul Pinfield conned unsuspecting people out of their savings and used the money to fund his lifestyle
8. Paul Pinfield is a fraudster
9. Paul Pinfield is addicted to cocaine
10. Paul Pinfield is hiding in Tenerife
11. Paul Pinfield has been involved in setting up a string of bogus companies
12. Paul Pinfield is behind a number of attack blogs including a copy of this one
13. Paul Pinfield is the mastermind behind a cat trafficking ring which slaughters of 2000 cats per year
14. Paul Pinfield is a close associate of David Potts and Graham Rigg
15. Paul Pinfield is behind a number of complaints against councillor Khan
16. And on, and on, and on, and on…

Now, normally, if someone was just raking the muck and making unsubstantiated slurs, you would expect the victims of said slurs to issue legal proceedings, particular with so many people reading about them.

Your Fat Councillor knows that neither Potts or Rigg are in a position to sue him due to their dire financial positions, but avoiding paying tax, money laundering, drug smuggling and cat trafficking are very profitable pastimes, so why hasn’t the twat from Shireoaks or wherever the fuck he is today not tried to silence your Fat Councillor?

Perhaps, just perhaps, the claims above are correct. And before the right on Trots (choose any of the three dictionary definitions) amongst you start banging on about gay rights, your broadminded Fat Councillor should point out that I don't give a flying fuck who fucks whom. Though perhaps poor Paul’s drug and drink fuelled criminal escapades goes some way to explaining why it is so difficult for him to return to Shireoaks? I know that given the choice, he would blow that Albanian rent boy, any day…

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here


Your Fat Councillor Returns...

Dear Readers

Your Fat Councillor has been putting his investigative powers to good use over the past few days and has been digging into the background of Paul (I slaughter love cats because there’s money in it) Pinfield and boy has he found some shit on this Podcast failure and Forex fraudster from Shireoaks who is on the run from the UK authorities in Tenerife.

Whilst you Fat Councillor has been away in Shireoaks and Birmingham, Pinfield the imposter has been spewing his poison and guess who’s been on the receiving end... his favourite councillor, Ahmed Khan.
Mr Pinfield has published details of two complaints on his attack blog after trying to hide his identity. The stupid bastard didn’t do a very good job and your Fat Councillor can reveal that the complainant was Paul Pinfield himself.

...take a look at his email, Pinfield the cat trafficker is trying to blackmail the council too.

Paul Pinfield's Childhood Demons Are Back

Dear Readers

Paul Pinfield the twat behind the now defunct Calmcast podcast venture is going through a very tough time. Judging by his irrational behaviour he’s been snorting too much of cheap cocaine he nicked from his long suffering girlfriend.

After reading the crap on his attack blog…the one where he pretends to be the Fat Councillor Fat Councillor... yours truly is convinced that his obsession with South Tyneside runs deeper than a few lines of powder.

Your Fat Councillor thinks Paul Pinfield’s problems go back to his troubled childhood and his deep seated fear of being rejected.

Paul Pinfield is still a lonely figure...

Your real Fat Councillor has been told that his Paul Pinfield’s biological father was a ship's engineer from South Shields and as soon as he found out he’d sired a bastard he wanted nothing to do with him or his mother.’s no surprise then that Paul Pinfield is such an angry man.

Toddle-oo till next time.

If anyone can help Paul Pinfield cope with his demons contact Councillor David Potts here

Paul Pinfield Mastermind Behind Cat Trafficking Ring

A very disturbing email pinged its way in to your Fat Councillor's inbox this morning and it concerns Paul Pinfield the podcasting flop and con man that’s on the run in Tenerife.

The email claims Paul Pinfield was the mastermind behind a cat trafficking ring that is responsible for the disappearance of 2000 domestic cats a year in the UK. The pets are butchered and sold for use in Chinese medicine and the skins are smuggled to Eastern Europe where demand for cat leather is so high there is a waiting list.

...hardly surprising then that Mr Pinfield claims to be a cat lover, it’s very profitable.

Your Fat Councillor is sickened by this very disturbing development and will be passing on this information to the RSPCA.

If you have any details about Paul Pinfield and his cat trafficking ring contact the RSPCA here

Why Did Paul Pinfield Con Investors For This?

Dear Readers

My spies tell me that this is the house that the Albanian pimps tracked Paul Pinfield down to after he refused to pay one of their rent boys for services rendered...more on this later.

View Larger Map

Don’t be confused folks this ‘country estate’ of Paul Pinfield is nothing more than a terraced house built on brown field land next to a railway line and certainly doesn’t fit the image that Paul Pinfield tries to portray.
Yes readers the arsehole from Shireoaks most definitely isn’t the next Richard Branson... now Bernie Madoff is another matter.

Keep watching readers, your Fat Councillor will be bring you more juicy details of how Paul Pinfield emulated his hero by fleecing several people out of their life savings. Mr Pinfield posed as a hot shot Forex Trader and promised high returns to the people he conned money out of.

Mr Pinfield didn’t tell them that he needed the money for his fake lifestyle and to spend on rent boys, cocaine, prostitutes, fast cars, luxury holidays and a string of failed business ventures. Sorry Paul but things are about to get a lot worse for you my friend, keep a close watch on Google.

Your Fat Councillor is digging and posting...two can play at your game.

Pip Pip.

For interetsing tips on insider trading contact Paul Pinfield here

Breaking... Calmcast Set To Close


Calmcast the podcasting site that plays whale song and strange animal noises is set to close. Owner and founder Paul Pinfield is said to be devasted by the news.

... more to follow

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs about Paul Pinfield here

Paul Pinfield Caught With Another Albanian Rent Boy

Dear Readers

…Paul Pinfield is an angry man today.

The podcast flop from Shireoaks, who is on the run in Tenerife after several burly Albanian pimps paid him a visit for refusing to pay for services rendered by one of their rent boys is upset with your Fat Councillor and all because he didn’t reveal in yesterday’s post that Mr Pinfield is now the proud recipient of the 101 Up Badge.

Yes readers, Paul Pinfield would like all you lovelies to know that he will treasure this honour as long as he lives, after all its cost him a lot than the money he’s paid the 100 rent boys he’s banged…more of this later.

And that’s not all. Your Fat Councillor has been told by a contributor to Podcast Paul’s blog that Paul Pinfield was recently caught red handed having sex in a back alley in a seedy part of Birmingham with another Albanian rent boy but this time he was disguised as a sailor…yes readers Pinfield has a fetish for sailors. This might explain why he’s so interested in South Tyneside and is such a close associate of Councillors David Potts and George Elsom.

Your Fat Councillor wonders if Paul Pinfield wants more than just friendship from them, surely he doesn’t want them to dress up in their navy uniforms too he?

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs about Paul Pinfield here

Never Let It Be Said (Again)

Dear readers

This afternoon, two delicious emails fell into your Fat Councillor's sunny email inbox. After suitable protection of the sender, your Fat Councillor will do his civic duty and publish then.

Watch this space...

Paul Pinfield The Serial Prozzy Shagger From Shireoaks Now in Hiding in Tenerife

Dear readers

Your Fat Councillor does not normally comment on the shit Pail Pinfield writes on his copycat blog, but today the failed podcaster from Shireoaks who is now hiding from several burly pimps in Tenerife after refusing to pay for services their boys and girls rendered has excelled even by his own despicable standards.

This morning Paul Pinfield once of Pinnacle Media and who has a habit of dressing up in sailor's uniforms, decided to libel someone whom he wrongly thinks is the real Fat Councillor by asserting that the person is a serial shagger of prostitutes, so I thought a dose of his own medicine was in order.

Of course, your Fat Councillor can be relied upon to point out the sort of poisonous cunt that Pinfield is. So carry on Mr Pinfield, we are all very happy to publicise your excesses. It gives us all so much to write about, and it will do wonders for your reputation when people search for you online.

Paul Pinfield Outed As the Man Behind The Fake Fat Councillor Blog

Dear Readers

Your Fat Councillor has been told that his number 1 fan and impostor is very angry at being outed by yours truly.

So who is this man of mystery?

He's none other than Paul Pinfield the failed podcaster, personal attack dog of councillor David Potts and spends most of his time in, Shireoaks and the red light districts of Birmingham and Santa Cruz.

Over the next few weeks your Fat Councillor will be telling you everything you need to know about this cult zero of the podcasting world and is going to enjoy every minute of it...

Yes my lovelies the battle lines have been drawn
Pip pip

++ Paul Pinfield Is A Thief Who's Actions are Condoned ...+++

... by Calmcast.

Dear Paul Pinfield

Lets see how much fun it will be to see your name associated with theft when people search for you in Google.

Obviously, I have the evidence, so if you really want to piss other people's money away suing me, fill your boots. Your Fat Councillor will accept service of documents at the address below.

Fat Councillor Publishing
Suite 509
Marina Towers
Belize City
Central America

Your Fat Councillor Understands Paul Pinfield Is...

... very very unhappy that so many people are keeping your Fat Councillor informed of the lonely one's
unhappy predicament.

Well, dear Paul, if you had't been such a cunt to so many people, perhaps they wouldn't be motivated to provide the odd bit of information. What goes around comes around. I will leave you to ponder that one.

  Pinfield is the one in the middle with no mates

Contact Podcast Paul with interesting facts and tip offs here

All Can Now Be Revealed

Dear Readers

Your Fat Councillor has a tale to tell...

Anyone with an interest in South Tyneside politics will know that councillor David Potts is the main mover behind Paul Pinfield’s attack blog which has been set up to attack councillor Khan and the Independent Alliance.

Now here's the thing... When I mention Potts other attack dog Graham Rigg the man behind Curlys Corner Shop the blog receives repeated visits from a firm of lawyers.

A couple of Skype calls revealed that lawyers are pursuing a libel case against Mr Potts, Mr Pinfield and Mr Rigg in relation to their blog activities.

Your Fat Councillor was asked by interested parties whether I would be willing to help. With that in mind, I came back to the UK to see what could be done. I had to come back for another meeting anyway, so it was no real hardship. A meeting was arranged for Friday afternoon at which we sketched out a way forward.

Whilst back in the UK, news broke that councillor Potts had been kicked out by his mammy who is fuming at the prospect of losing her little boy to another woman. Some of us thought that this might be on the cards for a while and that could be very bad news indeed for Mr Potts.

So, very shortly, a call will go out for information. It is going to be quite profitable for someone, but we are looking for one person in particular.

Contact your Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

They Are Both The Same

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Mounting Evidence Of Potts Lonely Life

Dear Parishioners

Your Fat Councillor really must implore you, my brothers and sisters in God to prey harder for darling David. For only this morning I happened to be passing his back yard and look what I found!

A quiet night in (alone) in the Potts household

If we don't prey harder, I don't know where this will end!

Dust to dust
All the rest of it...

Contact your Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs about Potts habbit here

I Was Not Going To Post This, But As Councillor Potts Is Crying About It

Your Fat Councillor has been told that councillor Potts called councillor George Elsom a fucking arsehole during a full meeting of the council. I was going to leave it at that, but as Potts attack dog Paul Pinfield is whining about it and claiming that it was all a set up (yes, I know Potts is mad and thinks that everyone is conspiring against him, but...) and drunk to boot, I thought it might be fun to explain what caused Potts outburst and the fat fucker's apoplexy.

The meeting was discussing some scheme to reduce domestic violence. Obviously, with things like this, no one is going to admit beating their loved ones, so everyone said what a great idea the scheme was, including the Tory gang. At which point councillor Elsom stood up brandishing a copy of the local paper which gave lurid details of how councillor Potts kept a nasty thug out of prison by giving him a character reference.

This nasty scumbag called Carl Zanetti is a close friend of councillor Potts and was about to be sent to prison for these disgraceful crimes, that is until Potts intervened. The article is worth reading if only to see what shifty company councillor Potts keeps. Priceless...

I understand that David Potts was incandescent at Elsom’s ambush when he finally sobered up.

++Let Us Not Forget About The Drunken Councillor Who's Shamed His Position++

Dear Councillor Potts  

As you have kindly set a precedent in comming to council meetings pissed out of your head...again when can we look forward to you making an arse of yourself again?

Just askin'...

At the moment dear reader, you don't know when and where he's going to make a twat of himself next, unless you'd like to take a guess in the comments...

Another New Template

Good morning dear readers from another undisclosed pub

As one or two of you will know, your Fat Councillor is regularly imitated by the drunken oily fat lump, councillor Potts and his ex bitch Paul Pinfield. Well, he's at it again. Imitation being the sincerest form of flattery, Potts helps Pinfield with a spoof of this blog (a spoof of a spoof of a spoof?), and has changed his blog template to match mine. So, just to keep the of drunken slob and his attack dog on thier toes, I decided to change the look around here again.

If only councillor Potts could find as much time to represent his ward as he finds for following your Fat Councillor around the internet, the world would be a better place.

The clock is ticking David...

Contact your Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

Word Reaches Your Fat Councillor That I Have A Very Special Reader


Your Fat Councillor has it on extraordinarily good authority that none other than the Mayor himself has this blog bookmarked.

That's right councillor John Anglin is a fan. Well, John, we all all fans of you too, well, obviously not Councillor Iain Malcolm he can’t wait to get rid of you. I remember the time Chris told him to fuck off when he wanted a dance.

Yes, Councillor Potts wanted me to blow him too

Mr Mayor, now that I know you are an avid fan, I will try to swear a little fucking less...

Your Fat Councillor has spies everywhere, as I  am about to demonstrate.

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Flying Back To The UK Tonight

Your Fat Councillor has business to attend to... well that what he calls signing on.

I've got to be on my guard, the last time I cam back to the UK, those busy bodies at the dole office nearly caught me red handed.

EasyJet flight 1906. Lands in Manchester at 01.30, in case you would like to form a welcoming committee, I'll be the prick in the shorts trying to blend in with the returning holiday makers

Stop drooling councillor Potts, there's no fuckin way your getting anymore of this.

Contact The Department of Work and Pensions with interesting facts and tip offs about benefit thieves here

Visitor Numbers - Oh, And Potts Is Furious

Dear readers

As your Fat Councillor prepares for an evening out with his lovely GF (FCGF), and looking for an excuse to pass the time with my whizzy presentation software, I thought you might like to see my efforts at representing you all, as you drop in to read my wise words. And before you say anything, yes I do know that Potts and South Tyneside Conservatives account for 20% of the traffic to this blog. The narcissists just can't help themselves.

I think they still labour under the impression that all publicity is good publicity. Indeed... This can only be good news for the South Tynesise Conservatives, right?

Oh, by the way, dear David has just realised he has been outed and is furiously claiming that councillor Khan (who else?) is the gay one, not him.

...don't be fooled readers it was his bitch Paul Pinfield who was behind it, he's jealous of his David's latest bitch, a little fat man called Curly. Gaydar has done for you both.

Apparently the podgy fucker is furious...

Contact your Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

David Potts - I Think This Has To Be Said

In light of the revelations posted on this website and elsewhere, in relation to South Tyneside Conservative party candidate for the Cleadon and East Boldon, David Potts: namely his history of alchol abuse, vehicle theft and blatant lies to cover his tracks (believe me, we haven't finished digging yet David), it is not feasible that he can continue to stand a a candidate.

Your Fat Councillor therefore calls on Mr Potts to stand down as a candidate so that an untarnished candidate can take his place.

I would remind readers that neither Mr Potts, the Jarrow Conservative party chairman, councillor Jeff Millburn, or any other member of the local Conservatives has been in contact to deny the story or to point out any inaccuracies. Neither has your Fat Councillor received a writ, or an injunction. I suspect that would be because the allegations are true, and therefore undeniable...

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Videos And Today's Agenda

Good afternoon dear reader

You find me on an overcast afternonn sat in my backyard overlooking Cleadon Hills doing a little tidying. Yes, the great councillor refrains from having a cleaner (other than the one who comes in on Mondays and Thursdays, and the lady who irons your Fat Councillor's Y-fronts. Oh, and the man who blows up my paddling pool, do I really need this chap when I'm full of hot air, well I do actually).

One of the more stupid (and I use that word kindly) of our congregation has had some difficulty in finding a video, so your Fat Councillor has helpfully put them all on a single page. I'll give you details soon... be patient my lovelys.

Yesterday evening, your Fat Councillor helpfully received the real history of the Jarrow Conservative party. I will be checking a few facts out now with my spies before comparing it to the crap they put out in those leaflets.

There will also be a piece about why the local Conservatives seems to be a magnet for failed politicians.

Pip pip

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Graham Rigg - Where Is He?

Dear readers / spies

It is that time again. What exactly is the fat sack of shit, Graham Rigg, up to within the South Tyneside Conservative party? When he is not sneaking about taking pictures and trying to sell them on the side, is he plotting to become a councillor?

Your Fat Councillor would like to know.

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

What Would You Do To Help A Family Member With A Drug Problem?

Your Fat Councillor is genuinely interested in your thoughts.


OK, Lets Get The Potts Show On The Road

Dear readers

As previously mentioned, further investigation is ongoing into Mr Potts past. Archives are being searched, and contacts are being spoken to. We expect to fill in the gaps that we know exist...

For the past couple of weeks, your Fat Councillor has been aware of allegations about Mr Potts criminal past. The initial allegations were, far fetched, or so I thought.

In order to have the allegations confirmed or denied, I emailed both Mr Potts and chairman of the Jarrow Conservative Party.

Now, here is where it gets interesting. As you will soon read, the allegations, if true, would be very damaging to any candidate for public office. Your Fat Councillor would expect a furious denial and / or threats of legal action if the allegations were untrue. Not only did the threats and / or denials not come winging back to my email account, there was no response whatsoever. Make of that what you will.

Shortly after attempting to contact the Potts & his gang, your Fat Councillor received much the same allegations and details from a number of other sources, along with some other information.

Wary that it might be a setup, your Fat Councillor carried out tracing checks on the underlying IP addresses. These checks uncovered different IP addresses associated with a variety of internet service providers in various parts of the country. Those IP addresses were then tracked via a stats provider to ascertain the operating system, browser and other settings as they visited this blog. There was no consistency in the results, which tended to support there being multiple sources for the information.

As an added precaution, I contacted one of my spies on the ground and asked them to see if anyone could verbally confirm the allegations. This produced the final confirmation I needed.

So, seven online sources and one verbal source have all said the same things, though obviously some sources contain more details than others.

So, what exactly is in Mr Potts past? What is it that the Jarrow Conservative failed to mention when announcing him as their candidate for the Cleadon and East Boldon wars (other than the fact that none of the party thought to mention that his past was none to at least 2 of them)?

Well, it seems that Mr Potts long history of criminal behaviour dating right back to his school days.

How so? Well your Fat Councillor's sources tell him that Mr Potts has a lengthy history as a dealer both at school and Cambridge University and in and around Cleadon and East Boldon. But that is not the end of it. David Potts also had a penchant for vehicle theft (apparently including the theft of one of his father’s vehicles).

In another episode, your Fat Councillor understands that Mr Potts appears to have been involved in a crash and ran away from the scene without providing details. But then how could he when he was only 14.

Is that enough to get you thinking about his suitability to be a councillor? Well, predictably there is more. Mr Potts also had a very serious drink habit that was known to his mother and other clkose family. But more of that later. Your Fat Councillor wonders if it is a criminal offence to provide someone with the money to buy drink when they are underage. Conspiracy to commit a criminal offence?

As you might expect, you Fat Councillor has more information about Mrs Potts knowledge and 'help' with David’s drink addiction. It will be set out in a separate post.

Contact the Conservative Party Chairman Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs at

Fat Councillor Publishing

Dear Readers

In light of the reputation councillor Potts enjoy for threatening legal action against those who criticise him, your Fat Councillor very nearly took the precaution of setting up Fat Councillor Publishing as a Belize registered IBC.

…your Fat Councillor had second thoughts, why should he bother when Potts never follows up his threats with any action.

You Fat Councillor has put the 10US$ he Saved to good use and treated his GF to a couple of bottles cava.

I trust this clarifies matters...

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Spare A Thought For Our Brother, Poor Paul

On this holiest of days, please spare a moment to prey for our brother in god, Paul ‘the ace’ detective Pinfield.

Darling Paul has been a very silly boy and has been at the spam fritter & Heinz ketchup again. A combination which we all know from past experience, does not agree with him, or his trolleys.

His GF tells me that he will be kept in the 'special' hospital, until he is deemed sane enough for release. Until then, I suggest we all savour the peace and quiet.

God be with you (now you say "and also with you, or some such")

NB: Sadly Pinfield is not really in the nut house, and I am not really city whiz kid, or a councillor, or fat.

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Councillor David Potts & Paul Pinfield's Investigative Powers Astound Your Fat Councillor - Pure Genius

Your Fat Councillor is an eagle eyed fucker. Get the Lambrusco open GF!

As demonstrated in three easy steps, councillor David Potts, the fat man of Cleadon & East Boldon infamy & his latest plaything Paul Pinfield have uncovered the author of the Mr Monkey blog. This is how we did it...

Step 1
Go visit Mr Monkey blog & trawl pages and find this

Step 2
Go to google and search for I fuck on the first date teeshirt

Step 3
Read this & hey presto… must be the Fat Councillor.

…Pure Genius

Time for another bottle of lambrusco.

...Pip pip

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

Oh, The Irony Of This Post...

.... I know, I really should get out to the paddling pool and switch off, but your Fat Councillor is busily reading though some old writings over at the Mr Monkey blog. Yes, dear readers, we all know it whose handy work this is...

In light of what I am about to reveal about the South Tyneside Conservatives I find found some of the monkey's writings particularly ironic but I am going to have such fun. Oh, and don't bother taking the monkey site down, I have already cloned it and I know who you and your fellow contributors are.

…well dear readers you can get an early glimpse of whats to come here

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

Something Tells Me That There Will Be A Story Breaking About David Potts The Sacked Parliamentary Candidate

Oh dear, oh dear

Your Fat Councillor thinks that David Potts the sacked Parliamentary candidate should keep his gob shut when he’s pissed in The Red Lion. I think wobble gob could be in hot water pretty soon... after his comments about Karen Allen

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

A Councillor Comes A Calling (And Didn't Even Ask For My Vote)

Dear readers

By the wonders of Skype, your Fat Councillor had a very enjoyable and enlightening conversation with a real life South Tyneside councillor this afternoon.

Amongst the titilating gossip, your Fat Councillor heard that there is some astonishment that I have dug up so much information about the South Tyneside Conservatives. There is also a lack of understaning about what motivates your Fat Councillor to continue ro dig. I have written about my motivation previously, but perhaps it warrants further explanation.

Your Fat Councillor, quite by accident, came across cackhanded attacks upon councillor Khan and others online. After a little investigation (and really, it didn't take long), it became clear to me that another councillor was behind the attacks. And that that councillor was David Potts, leader of the South Tyneside Conservatives. I was astonished that the attacks were taking place and that Pott’s party were doing nothing to discipline him. It was this inaction that caused me to start this blog.

Your Fat Councillor had the advantage of knowing a little about Potts and Millburn previously and had shaken both their hands. It was therefore simple find out what they were upto. But, what started out as a short, sharp prescription to give Potts a dose of his own medicine, soon developed, with the help of the Fat Councillor's Spies, into a wider airing of the goings on within the South Tyneside Conservatives.

I consider myself very fortunate to be in a position that I do not have to go out to work in order to keep the wolves from the door. This leaves me plenty of time to keep an eye on the Tories. In fact, you would be surprised at how little time it takes. The vast majority of the information comes from the public. This indicates to your Fat Councillor that there is plenty of animosity toward the South Tyneside Conservatives, their methods and their leading lights. If they were anywhere close to being respectable politicians (and yes there are some about), this blog would have had a very short life.

Politics has changed. The days of commands coming down from on high, and councillors failing to do anything other than stuff themselves at our expense are gone. Or at least that should be the case. You, the reader could just as easily set up a blog to highlight dodgy dealings and the like. If your information has any value, your audience will grow quickly. It no longer matters where the opposition to a particularly party comes from. I no longer have to sit in the Cleadon & East Boldon ward to know what is going on. IT IS JUST AS EASY FOR ME TO SIT HERE BY MY PADDLING THE POOL AND WRITE THIS.

Of course, your Fat Councillor is free of party strictures. No politician could write as freely or a cruelly as I do. And lets face it, it's the cruelty that keeps dragging you all back, isn't it? What flows from my keyboard is not constrained by political considerations. I have no political ambition, so I have no fear that calling David Potts a cunt (and what a cunt he is) is going to come back to haunt me. To some extent, bloggers have become the real opposition to political excess. We know what we want, and we are not afraid to say it. We want the cunts out of politics.

Is it just the South Tyneside Conservatives in my sights? Well, no. If a spy can provide evidence of wrong doing by any councillor or MP, your Fat Councillor would be perfectly happy to rip them a new arsehole too. But it is telling that the only people who are being complained about at the moment are the South Tyneside Conservatives

Oh, and finally, and if you are unhappy with my prose, fell free to find another blog to read. I understand there are a number of them around. I like swearing. It makes your Fat fucking Councillor smile...

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

James Millburn - The Lymaric That Got Him Suspended...

OK, so this is nothing compared to what your Fat Councillor is about to reveal, but when it landed in my inbox, it made me smile.

I understand from a spy that his teacher was singularly unimpressed and had young Master Millburn suspended, along with two boys.

A man and a woman begat
And had triplets, nat, pat and tat
There was fun in the feeling
But hell in the feeding
As there was no tit for tat!

Is this the start of young James slide into more serious criminality? Lets see, shall we?

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

A Few Snippets

Good morning dear readers on this most holy of made up days.

Your Fat Councillor is out and about with the GF. But in the meantime, I thought you might like to know what is coming up today. You will get to enjoy a 'poem' written by the young James Millburn. No really, it's amazing what information makes it's way into my inbox. You will hear about strange goings on in the Cleadon and East Boldon ward where money seems to be pouring into one candidate's campaign. You will also hear of unrest within the Pinfield household...

And don't forget...

Pip pip

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

The Gazetter - Campaigning Continues

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

BBC Reporting That The Fat South African Racist is Eugen Terreblanche is Dead

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

Your Fat Councillor Needs Your Help (Again)

Your Fat Councillor has read twice this week that there is a familial connection between the councillors Potts and Millburn, the South Tyneside Conservative councillors and Parliamentary candidate for Jarrow.

Your Fat Councillor has reason to believe this is the case, and will blog about this separately. But in the meantime, can anyone quickly confirm it?

The word is that Jeff Millburn shares the same DNA as David Potts. Whether that makes him a relative of David Potts, is not yet clear, but I am sure that one of you dear people will supply the answer.

David Potts - I Am Now Content That I Have Sufficient Evidence...

... to post a series of articles relating to alleged (until I post the story) criminality by David Potts, the leader of the South Tyneside Conservatives and who is seeking re-election in the Cleadon and East Boldon ward.

Dear readers

Your Fat Councillor would like to thank those brave souls who have provided me with the information required to enable me to begin posting details of Mr Potts past. The stories will begin to appear within the next few days. However, there are some aspects of certain allegations that are still being investigated.

As a matter of fairness, your Fat Councillor will be contacting both Mr McBride and the big hitters of the Conservative party so that they might refute or comment upon the allegations. I don't expect a response from any of them. Neither do I expect to be served with an injunction.

Sorry dear reders but your going to have to wait a bit longer for the juicy bit (no sense in spoiling the stories, is there?).

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

The Gazetter - Potts Election Special

Dear readers

Enjoy whilst your Fat Councillor sprays coffee and pan au chocolat all over the back yard.

Contact Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

GFP Have Settled In, So We Are Going To KFC


The Honourable Order Of The Black Eye - 2nd & 3rd Award

Dear Readers

Your Fat Councillor is proud to award two new Honourable Order Of The Black Eye awards to people who stuck their heads over the parapet. Their intelligence matches beautifully.

Roll on next week when spies will start to sift the local archives.

Awarded to a second brave soul

Awarded to the man who knew about the musical instrument

Contact your Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

Did You Know The Young David Potts?

Dear Readers

Posh University

No So Posh School

Yesterday, your Fat Councillor posted a request for information about a certain David Potts. It did not take too long for additional information to start to make it's way into my inbox. Thank you to, well you know who you are.

Armed with the fresh information, your Fat Councillor asks new questions.

  • Did you know the young David Potts?
  • Were you at school with him?
  • Were you in the car he stole and crashed when he was 14 years old?
  • Perhaps you were a contemporary of his at Cambridge University before he was kicked off his law course?
If so, I would like to hear about how he came to leave the posh school, and the circumstances surrounding it. I am also fascinated by his activities at the not so posh college. Can anyone enlighten your Fat Councillor further? I hear that young Potts was extraordinarily busy in the late 1990s.

You Fat Councillor will sit in repose until your intelligence come in...

Pip pip

Contact your Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

Before The Earth Opens Up To Swallow David Potts...

... that good person of the Parish, Mr Curly, has written a precient piece. Your Fat Councillor urges you to read it. The timing could not have been better anybody would think he is working hand in hand with your Fat Councillor.

Posted by Sir Iain Malcolm

Councillor Potts Says Sorry For Telling Council Officers To Fuck Off

Contact your Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

Let Me Be Clear About One Thing - Extreme Bad Language - Don't Say I didn't Warn You

Dear Readers

There is something that I should make crystal clear so that there can be no misunderstanding. This evening councillor David Potts (attacker of politicians and members of the public, author of spoof websites and twitter accounts) is claiming that Independent Alliance are the power behind the throne of your Fat Councillor and that it is they who are directing me. Not to put too fine a point on it, he is talking fucking bollocks as he always talks fucking bollocks. The fat idiot wouldn't recognise the truth if it punched him in the mouth.

Your Fat Councillor is not affiliated to the Independent Alliance, or any other political party in any way for that matter. I have never voted Independent (I have voted Tory at every general and by election). At the upcoming general election, I shall again vote Tory in order to help get rid of the Labour government because I am sick of their incompetence and corruption. Anyone for a husband and wife in the Cabinet?

Councillor Potts is very very angry (and powerless) because your Fat Councillor is giving him a dose of his own medicine, and now seems to be trying to lump me together with the victim of his previous attacks, councillor Ahmed Khan. I have never met Ahmed Khan. Neither have I ever spoken to him. I would however buy him a pint if I ever met him for putting up with the fat fuck

Potts should remember that this blog would never have started if it were not for his continuous attacks on other people. Potts, you are a fat useless dishonest cunt, and you deserve everything that you get. Fuck off.

Your Fat Councillor will now retire to his vino...

Contact your Eric Pickles with interesting facts and tip offs here

Calling All Spies. Your Fat Councillor Needs Your Help - Millburn / Woods / All Of The Fuckers

Dear readers / soon to be spies

Your Fat Councillor has received information over the last week from sources (that means more than his usual source, councillors Malcolm and Potts and Messrs Rigg and Pinfield) in relation to councillor Jeff Millburn’s son, Junior. It is so bad as to call for not one, but two bottles of vino to be opened. I will be sloshed before dinner!

As you know, the Tories will not provide any information about him or his past, so, if the South Tyneside Conservatives won't spill the beans, it is down to us to crowd source the information.

Your Fat Councillor would like to hear what you have to say about Jeff Millburn and what you know of his past. Trust me, what you have to tell me could not possibly more damaging than what I have already received. Together we can build the Millburn dossier so that the electorate can make an informed decision when he asks them for his vote

Further Requests

Your Fat Councillor also hears repeated stories about councillor Donald Wood. Again, all information, gratefully received.

I know, lets go the whole hog. Let rip with anything you have on the South Tyneside Conservative Party

The Fat Councillor will never publish the source of his information. Neither will he publish information that could identify a source.

Pip pip

Contact your Eric Pickles with any with interesting facts and tip offs about the South Tyneside Tories here

Tractorstats - Well worth it

Fill your boots, my lovely worshipers.


Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

The Ever Angry Olly Cromwell Has A Task For You

Darlings, the very angry Mr Cromwell has a task for you. I promise you, it is worth while. After all, it is your money they are using.

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

What Am I using To Create The Charts?

Your fat councillor has been asked what I am using to create my whizzy charts. The Answer is Apple's presentation software.

Strangely this also answers another question that Curly keeps being asked, namely is the Fat Councillor really Curly? Anyone with a passing knowledge of Curly will know that he uses the deeply regressive, ugly and vile Windows OS, whereas your Fat Councillor uses the deeply beautiful Apple OS X Snow Leopard OS, found only on Macs. Keynote is an OS X only application. QED.

There is also another way to tell us apart...


Fat Councillor

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Leaked Documents

Here are the leaked documents relating to complaints made against councillors covering the period May 2008 to December 2009. It looks like it has also been leaked to Curly or was it Curly that sent it to me, I cant remember.

I will leave you to digest the document before I start tearing a couple of new arse holes for Messers Potts and Millburn.

NB: These documents contained an identifying feature that could be traced back to the source. It has therefore been removed. Well, you wouldn't want Potts lowering the value of your house by turning up on your doorstep, would you?

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Another Whizzy Graphic Paints A Depressing Picture

Something to keep your anger boiling...

Your Fat Councillor will release the underly data shortly, but I need to make the one thing very clear. These figures do not represent the number of genuine complaints made against councillors for the May 2008 to December 2009 timeframe. For instance, 90% of the complaints made against councillor Elsom were made by the Conservatives. Would that be the same councillor Elsom that fell out with Potts the pussy cat lover? See what I am getting at here? Similarly, 40% of the complaints made against councillor Potts came from council officers. Councillors are pissing our money away making complaints against each other in order to damage them.

And then there are councillors McCabe and Millburn. They deserve a separate post, all of their own.

Watch this space...

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Nepotism, Nepotism, All Around Me, Nepotism

Dear Readers

Your Fat Councillor's inbox is almost melting with further tales of intrigue within the South Shields and Jarrow Conservatives.

More details to come, but word has it that the buck teethed Milburn is planning to install another family member as a candidate in the Cleadon and East Boldon ward. Has this goffa got no fucking shame?

Of course, your Fat Councillor is cock-a-hoop that the 'motor man’ continues to buy the Jarrow Conservatives. How long before we see it as a wholly owned subsidiary of Shiny Cars R Us Ltd?

Hello, I own the Indy Alliance

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Complaints Against Conservative Councillors

Dear readers

I was out and about this morning in Jarrow, so this afternoon I ran through the figures in the leaked Standards Committee document, and pulled out a couple of headlines for your visual pleasure. The documents themselves will be published later today. As the image below demonstrates, it makes grim reading for the South Tyneside Tories, and particularly councillors Potts and Millburn.

There is some other pretty startling stuff to come out, but it is a little more complex to explain. So, be patient, everything comes to those who wait.

Contact your Fat Councillor with interesting facts and tip offs here

Holy Fucking Fuck

Your Fat Councillor is jubillant! My inbox has just become the proud recipient of a document that sets out the extent of the Tories, and in particular councillor Potts troubles with the Standards Board of England.

Even after a quick scan, it is clear that the party is massively disproportionately represented in relation to the number of councillors in the party. You will not be surprised to learn that the black eyed blunder has far and away the most complaints registered against him.

There are lots of other nuggests in there, but it will take time to analyse the detail.

The headline figures will be revealed in the morning.

Have a great evening.

- Posted by Duchess Potts